Thursday, September 9, 2010
Yes. reformation needed for our education system
This morning i browse through a section in the New Straits Times. It attracts me so much, as to agree to what the author is saying. The author is proposing that our education system is hectic and lack of fun. This is seen via the Malaysian practice of giving student a bulk of homework, and in addition sending them to tuition classes. And the author did also make a comparison between local and foreign graduates, via his experience as a human resource officer in conducting interviews. It is in his view that local university students are lack of soft skills. In other words they are scared of bringing their opinion forward for others to hear. Yes. I agree that for the time being, most of them are lack of soft skills. It is very important for them to realize that they have been given a bigger chance, when they are destined to continue their higher learning locally. This is because in their own homeland, they have a privilege to lead student communities and organizations, at their respective universities. They are also given a chance to represent their universities at international events, which the other group( which are being send abroad) cant have. Speaking as a local university student, I would say that our higher learning institutions is indeed pressuring students via the courses which are being made compulsory, where that course dont even relate to their career. But in my view, perhaps this would make a particular student to excel as a whole. Maybe it is better for us to put it this way. Hardship before success. Be at the bottom, before you reach the top. It doesnt matter whether you are studying abroad or locally. It is just that you need take your chances and be ambitious. P.S Selamat Hari Raya Maaf Zahir Batin =)
Thursday, July 29, 2010
Let the nation's butterfly take off
I'll be seeing more of my friends to take off soon. Yesterday i witnessed a friend of mine, depart from our beloved country, as a JPA scholar. Soon more are going abroad. Definitely i'll be there to witness that historical moment. My friends and I were planning to have a trip to Manchester one day, but that is after Kua and Syawal is already in the United Kingdom. To be specific this plan was made by Fazul and Kamal. We are planning to save a couple of Ringgit for the 2 way tickets.By the way, tears from the heart might go down soon, in seeing them depart. But never mine. While they embark their respective journeys, me myself embark an experience of my own. Recently my car experience a broke down, have moved to our new home, and i've also been awarded as an SC scholar. It worries me a lot, as they put high hopes and expectation. It requires me to maintain high grades and also to be active in societies and activities. So, i was thinking this semester to join the mooting competition, so that i could embark my own new journey, but im scared that it would effect my schedule. But i need to do so. Hopefully it sharpens more of my legal skills. A new thing to learn. Someone use to say to me, be in the best in what you do. =)
Wednesday, June 30, 2010
It 's always a fresh new start
"A fresh new start".... I would always say those 4 words to myself, after a new semester has come to signal that it will soon kick off. The 1st semester was a challenging one, and now the 2nd semester might be tougher. No longer living in college, instead living in an apartment that we have rented. Expenses are expected to increase like an angry hurricane. So now financial management is very essential and is very required to achieve comfort. Class will abruptly start on the 5th of July. So its time to sit back, and scribble a book with what lecturers would say.
law school is tough, but even the girl in the legally blonde movie can win a case. so can we. The golden key that i have discovered from my previous mistakes are that we need to extremely prepare early. Preparation is priority. And do enjoy. =))
oh yeah one more thing, i wish i could buy this thing down here. It will make my life easier and more luxurious. haha Please please.
law school is tough, but even the girl in the legally blonde movie can win a case. so can we. The golden key that i have discovered from my previous mistakes are that we need to extremely prepare early. Preparation is priority. And do enjoy. =))
oh yeah one more thing, i wish i could buy this thing down here. It will make my life easier and more luxurious. haha Please please.
Tuesday, June 29, 2010
Panda Cloud Free Antivirus: Convincing
Compared to Avira and Avast for the free version of software, of their respective anti-viruses, I believe Panda Cloud Anti-virus is much more sophisticated, speedier, and more convincing. If you are searching for a free version, do download Panda Cloud the free version, this is more comfortable and better. This is based on my own experience.
Free version download
if you didnt bother to spend some money for a better security
Free version download
if you didnt bother to spend some money for a better security
Monday, June 28, 2010
My new car is a Kenari
Its a necessity, its important,and its a black car. Although it's not brand new, or fresh from any car factory, but yet im pretty satisfied with its upcoming benefits it will give me soon in the future. This would be the car wandering around somewhere in Subang Jaya soon enough. To be specific, will be moving back and forth from UiTM to Sunway Pyramid. Haha
Sunday, June 27, 2010
Pelajar UiTM perlu berubah- bergroup membenci orang adalah tidak wajar
Memetik isu hangat yang melanda saudara Saiful Izan yg melepaskan kata-kata yang agak ekstrem terhadap Universiti Teknologi Mara, "Universiti sampah",telah menyebabkan tertubuhnya satu group facebook untuk membenci Saiful Izan. Di atas tekanan dan kebencian tersebut, akhirnya dia memohon maaf dan "group" tersebut telah di"delete" dr laman facebook.
Melihat kepada tindakan drastik utk menubuhkan group sebegitu, menyebabkan saya berasa begitu terpanggil untuk mengkritik tindakan ini. Saya tidak bersetuju, dgn tindakan mewujudkan group-group spt ini, kerana caranya adalah salah.Ini menunjukkan betapa kita bersifat berpuak-puak.Mungkin kita kena melihat perkara ini dari skop yg lebih besar. Mengapa Saiful berkata begitu? Mungkin masyarakat di luar sana telah mula mengstereotaip UiTM.Kita lupa kepada 2 frasa perbezaan yg penting apabila melibatkan universiti-universiti di Malaysia. Kualiti ataupun kuantiti. Namun saya tahu, Saiful tidak patut membuat kenyataan yg sedemikian, walaupun mempunyai hak sekali pon. Saiful tidak tahu akan kelebihan yg ada pada UiTM.
Tetapi tindakan membuat group untuk membenci Saiful Izan itu, menunjukkan seakan-akan kita orang Melayu ini terlampau sensitif. Apa yg sy maksudkan adalah, perkara yg kecil pun diperbesar-besarkan, sedangkan kita boleh membuat perbincangan face to face utk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Disamping itu, tindakan utk mewujudkan group spt ini memberikan tanda seakan akan kita telah merajuk. Sebagai satu universiti yang ingin mencapai standard tersendiri, kita tidak boleh merajuk, kerana ini menggambarkan satu bentuk kelemahan.Orang akan berkata "typical malay". Bagi saya ini adalah memalukan. Kalau kita nak jadi Melayu, biarlah Melayu yang berintegriti, dan Melayu yang bertunjangkan agama. Kita anak Melayu lupa akan agama, dan kalau siapa menjejakkan kaki ke UiTM, jgn terkejut kalau anda terjumpa sekelompok org Islam yg tidak menunaikan solat 5 waktu pun. Memang ada.Ini satu perkara yg kita perlu ubah. Mungkin orang ramai mula untuk menghakimi UiTM melalui akhlak pelajar-pelajarnya.
Mungkin Saiful Izan tidak faham akan peranan UiTM sbg benteng orang Melayu. Pada mulanya saya terkejut dgn kursus-kursus yg ditawarkan di Uitm, di mana kadang-kadang sy rasa sbg "nonsense". Tapi apabila diteliti akan apa yang mereka jalani dan pelajari, sbg cthnya perhutanan dan perkayuan, sememangnya kursus-kursus ini berbentuk praktikal dan menyeluruh, disamping kursus-kursus ini boleh dikatakan sbg "abiding" dgn pasaran kerja. Kadang-kadang apabila diteliti dgn elok, kursus-kurus ini adalah world class dan unik. Mngkin ini benda yg saiful tidak faham, kerana dia bkn dlm UiTM. Mka dia tidak tahu apa yg terjadi.
Kalau betul kita hebat sudah lama kita bersama sama dgn scholar2 lain utk ke oversea. tetapi kebanyakkan kita kecundang di SPM. dan uitm telah memberikan peluang kedua kpd kita. ambil la peluang ini. dan jadila insan yg bersyukur. sama2 kita improve.
Ini hanyalah sekadar pendapat persendirian saya. Satu pendapat yg bimbang thdp universiti tercinta.
Melihat kepada tindakan drastik utk menubuhkan group sebegitu, menyebabkan saya berasa begitu terpanggil untuk mengkritik tindakan ini. Saya tidak bersetuju, dgn tindakan mewujudkan group-group spt ini, kerana caranya adalah salah.Ini menunjukkan betapa kita bersifat berpuak-puak.Mungkin kita kena melihat perkara ini dari skop yg lebih besar. Mengapa Saiful berkata begitu? Mungkin masyarakat di luar sana telah mula mengstereotaip UiTM.Kita lupa kepada 2 frasa perbezaan yg penting apabila melibatkan universiti-universiti di Malaysia. Kualiti ataupun kuantiti. Namun saya tahu, Saiful tidak patut membuat kenyataan yg sedemikian, walaupun mempunyai hak sekali pon. Saiful tidak tahu akan kelebihan yg ada pada UiTM.
Tetapi tindakan membuat group untuk membenci Saiful Izan itu, menunjukkan seakan-akan kita orang Melayu ini terlampau sensitif. Apa yg sy maksudkan adalah, perkara yg kecil pun diperbesar-besarkan, sedangkan kita boleh membuat perbincangan face to face utk menyelesaikan masalah ini. Disamping itu, tindakan utk mewujudkan group spt ini memberikan tanda seakan akan kita telah merajuk. Sebagai satu universiti yang ingin mencapai standard tersendiri, kita tidak boleh merajuk, kerana ini menggambarkan satu bentuk kelemahan.Orang akan berkata "typical malay". Bagi saya ini adalah memalukan. Kalau kita nak jadi Melayu, biarlah Melayu yang berintegriti, dan Melayu yang bertunjangkan agama. Kita anak Melayu lupa akan agama, dan kalau siapa menjejakkan kaki ke UiTM, jgn terkejut kalau anda terjumpa sekelompok org Islam yg tidak menunaikan solat 5 waktu pun. Memang ada.Ini satu perkara yg kita perlu ubah. Mungkin orang ramai mula untuk menghakimi UiTM melalui akhlak pelajar-pelajarnya.
Mungkin Saiful Izan tidak faham akan peranan UiTM sbg benteng orang Melayu. Pada mulanya saya terkejut dgn kursus-kursus yg ditawarkan di Uitm, di mana kadang-kadang sy rasa sbg "nonsense". Tapi apabila diteliti akan apa yang mereka jalani dan pelajari, sbg cthnya perhutanan dan perkayuan, sememangnya kursus-kursus ini berbentuk praktikal dan menyeluruh, disamping kursus-kursus ini boleh dikatakan sbg "abiding" dgn pasaran kerja. Kadang-kadang apabila diteliti dgn elok, kursus-kurus ini adalah world class dan unik. Mngkin ini benda yg saiful tidak faham, kerana dia bkn dlm UiTM. Mka dia tidak tahu apa yg terjadi.
Kalau betul kita hebat sudah lama kita bersama sama dgn scholar2 lain utk ke oversea. tetapi kebanyakkan kita kecundang di SPM. dan uitm telah memberikan peluang kedua kpd kita. ambil la peluang ini. dan jadila insan yg bersyukur. sama2 kita improve.
Ini hanyalah sekadar pendapat persendirian saya. Satu pendapat yg bimbang thdp universiti tercinta.
Thursday, June 3, 2010
Doom will come upon Israel after they have conquered Baitulmaqdis
1.Two days ago a flotilla full with pro-Palestinian humanitarian activist, was heading towards Gaza, to transport supplies of medicine, food and also building materials to the Palestinian. But then, on their way, they were ambushed by Israel's commandos, causing 19 casualties.
2. The activist are mostly from Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrain, Indonesia, Morocco, Malaysia, Algeria and etc.
3. The Israel's government claimed that the activists were armed with weapons, and they claimed that they did nothing wrong on shooting them down on their territorial waters. But the story,being told by the activists are different, as these activists attacked the soldiers on a mode of self defense. On the other hand many claimed that, the flotilla was on international waters. All the activist were then detained in Haifa.
4. The world's reaction on condemning Israel, causes Israel to release the detainees and return them home. The reaction of all people around the world to protest, to insult Israel's embassy, to bring it to a round table discussion on the matter, is much of a satisfaction to say that this world is still fill with love and concern.
5. But even how hard we protest, how loud we insult, even by spitting on the door of Israel's embassy,or the people working in it, their plan to take over Palestine will go on.
6. Basically, what ever they do, good or bad, The United States of America, will always be on their side. Where is the U.S's role of saying that they are the world police? None. But instead the U.S keep on funding Israel's military force, and keep on agreeing to the sanction made on Palestine, regardless of the suffering that have been faced by the Palestinian and other civilians. They are also the greedy one who claimed that Iraq was in possession of a biological weapon, but instead they attacked Iraq for the sake of oil.
7. I was told that, Israel was formed due to an agreement made by the U.S and Egypt. Where Egypt agreed to give a piece of land (Palestine), so that the U.S could accommodate the Jews there. Since then, the Jews started to build a community, and they have expanded. But the problem is that, Egypt was giving a land which was not in their possession.
8.We have seen enough, the cruelty which have been shown by Israel. The attacks which they have launched on the Palestinian. The children, the old folks, women and innocent people, which previously was covered in blood and dirt on the bare ground, being witnessed by their love ones with warm tears of sadness,yet Israel continue doing it again and again. They have no heart.
9. I was told that Israel doesn't own any land, and they are not supposed to exist, and also that they are very arrogant and stubborn.
10. I was also told by someone very religious, that it is being stated in the Al-Quran that, Baitulmaqdis will fall to the Jews. Palestine will one day be conquered by Israel. Why is it so Allah created Israel to exist? This is so that, to urge all Muslims to unite. For the time being the Islamic nation are quite apart, and the Islamic world is not advanced as compared to the western countries.
11. I was also told that, it is being written in the Al-Quran, that Islam will rise somewhere in the future, and all Muslims will be united. It is also being told that at that moment, Muslims will attacked the Jews, and that during the attack the Jews will be so scared and they will be hiding behind rocks and trees. The rocks and trees will itself talk to expose them of their hiding places. The day will come, but it is unknown of the date and time.
12. But for now, as a human, we need to do what is necessary to avoid other people from suffering and to maintain peace.
13. Perhaps what Hitler did before, was indeed something right.
2. The activist are mostly from Turkey, Kuwait, Bahrain, Indonesia, Morocco, Malaysia, Algeria and etc.
3. The Israel's government claimed that the activists were armed with weapons, and they claimed that they did nothing wrong on shooting them down on their territorial waters. But the story,being told by the activists are different, as these activists attacked the soldiers on a mode of self defense. On the other hand many claimed that, the flotilla was on international waters. All the activist were then detained in Haifa.
4. The world's reaction on condemning Israel, causes Israel to release the detainees and return them home. The reaction of all people around the world to protest, to insult Israel's embassy, to bring it to a round table discussion on the matter, is much of a satisfaction to say that this world is still fill with love and concern.
5. But even how hard we protest, how loud we insult, even by spitting on the door of Israel's embassy,or the people working in it, their plan to take over Palestine will go on.
6. Basically, what ever they do, good or bad, The United States of America, will always be on their side. Where is the U.S's role of saying that they are the world police? None. But instead the U.S keep on funding Israel's military force, and keep on agreeing to the sanction made on Palestine, regardless of the suffering that have been faced by the Palestinian and other civilians. They are also the greedy one who claimed that Iraq was in possession of a biological weapon, but instead they attacked Iraq for the sake of oil.
7. I was told that, Israel was formed due to an agreement made by the U.S and Egypt. Where Egypt agreed to give a piece of land (Palestine), so that the U.S could accommodate the Jews there. Since then, the Jews started to build a community, and they have expanded. But the problem is that, Egypt was giving a land which was not in their possession.
8.We have seen enough, the cruelty which have been shown by Israel. The attacks which they have launched on the Palestinian. The children, the old folks, women and innocent people, which previously was covered in blood and dirt on the bare ground, being witnessed by their love ones with warm tears of sadness,yet Israel continue doing it again and again. They have no heart.
9. I was told that Israel doesn't own any land, and they are not supposed to exist, and also that they are very arrogant and stubborn.
10. I was also told by someone very religious, that it is being stated in the Al-Quran that, Baitulmaqdis will fall to the Jews. Palestine will one day be conquered by Israel. Why is it so Allah created Israel to exist? This is so that, to urge all Muslims to unite. For the time being the Islamic nation are quite apart, and the Islamic world is not advanced as compared to the western countries.
11. I was also told that, it is being written in the Al-Quran, that Islam will rise somewhere in the future, and all Muslims will be united. It is also being told that at that moment, Muslims will attacked the Jews, and that during the attack the Jews will be so scared and they will be hiding behind rocks and trees. The rocks and trees will itself talk to expose them of their hiding places. The day will come, but it is unknown of the date and time.
12. But for now, as a human, we need to do what is necessary to avoid other people from suffering and to maintain peace.
13. Perhaps what Hitler did before, was indeed something right.
Thursday, May 27, 2010
A new car for me: will it come true?
For the next semester, i need to bring a car with me, as our apartment is quite far away from UiTM, and then to the faculty of law, and my housemates are all relying on me for transport. Our apartment is at section 16,or more specific it is actually the Rimba apartment. What i heard is that it is about a 7 minute drive, and there is no Rapid KL which will pass through that area. Btw before going further on, i would like to thank Akmal Azmi and Anis Mustapha, for being our hands and eyes, in the process of searching this place to stay.
So, initially i was set up to drive our grey Satria. But due to my incompetence in driving manual cars( due to several accidents and negligence), my dad have make a shocking decision, to buy me an automatic new car, so that i would be more efficient. What passes through his mind is a Viva. But what my heart wishes for, is a black Satria Neo. But this decision is not yet confirmed. I dont care on what car i will get, the thing is that, i need a car for my 2nd semester, so that it is easier to travel. haha LOL Let us see then
So, initially i was set up to drive our grey Satria. But due to my incompetence in driving manual cars( due to several accidents and negligence), my dad have make a shocking decision, to buy me an automatic new car, so that i would be more efficient. What passes through his mind is a Viva. But what my heart wishes for, is a black Satria Neo. But this decision is not yet confirmed. I dont care on what car i will get, the thing is that, i need a car for my 2nd semester, so that it is easier to travel. haha LOL Let us see then
Wednesday, May 26, 2010
To those who are hunting for scholarships
I am so surprised that there are a bundle of foundations, statutory bodies,banks and also companies which are offering a good deal of sponsoring university students, to go through their higher education period. Some of them are still open for application, and some have reached its dateline. These are the few listings of scholarships which are being provided to Malaysian students-
1.PIDM Undergraduate Scholarship Programme
2.Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng
3.HSBC Scholarship Award 2010
4.CIMB Regional Scholarship
5.Maxis Scholarship For Excellence Award
6.OCBC Bank Local Undergraduate Scholarship 2010
7.Tanjong Scholarship Award
8.Tun Hussein Onn Memorial Scholarship
9.HSBC Classics Bursary(Scholarship for classical music study)
10.Putrajaya Perdana Berhad Scholarship
11.Powertek Berhad Scholarship
12.Ng Bee Chai Foundation Scholarship
13.The Yayasan Wah Seong Scholarship Awards
14.L'ORÉAL Malaysia for Women in Science Fellowships 2010
15.Japanese Government Scholarship with ASCOJA Recommendation
16.GAB Foundation Scholarship 2010
17.Samling Scholarship and Bursary Programme
18.Fajarbaru Builder Group Scholarship Award
19.Malaysia Airports Education Sponsorship Program (ESP)
20.Yayasan PROTON Scholarship Award FY2010/2011
21.The New Straits Times Scholarship Fund
22.Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) Scholarship
23.MPOB Education Foundation Scholarship
24.EPF Scholarship Programme 2010 - Scholarships for Exceptional Talent & Academic Performance
25.X-FAB “Journey to Semiconductor” Scholarship Program
26.IGB Scholarship Awards 2010 In collaboration with Dato' Tan Chin Nam Foundation
27.Nottingham Malaysia - Psychology High Achievers Scholarship 2010
28.Roasters Scholarship Programme 2010
29.Astro Scholarship 2010
30.1 Malaysia Scholarship
31.Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM) Scholarships
32.Gamuda Scholarship Award 2010
33.Great Eastern Supremacy Scholarship Award (Local)
34.Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) Scholarships
35.Akademi Laut Malaysia – Cadet Sponsorship Programme
36.BCA-Industry Built Environment Scholarship
37.Lion-Parkson Foundation Scholarship and Education Loan
38.Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) Overseas Scholarship 2010
39.TM Foundation Scholarship 2010
40.Sime Darby Foundation Education Sponsorship Programme (Pre-University Scholarship)
41.UEM Group Scholarship
42.Securities Commission Malaysia Scholarship Award
43.Hong Leong Foundation Scholarship Programme 2010
44.Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Scholarship for Further Study at Overseas Universities
45.Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Scholarship for UNITEN
46.IJM Scholarship Awards 2010
47.Bank Negara Malaysia Scholarship Award 2010 / 2011 Academic Session
48.Khazanah Global Scholarship Programme
49.Khazanah Watan Scholarship Programme
50.ASEAN Scholarships for Malaysia: Pre-University One Scholarships
51.Kuok Foundation Undergraduate Awards 2010 (Malaysian & Singapore Public Universities)
53.Taiwan Scholarship 2010
54.MBAM Education Fund Awards 2010
55.Tun Suffian Foundation Scholarships
57.Panasonic Scholarship
58.Tun Dr. Mahathir UPM-ELS Scholarship
59.2009-2010 GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program
60.MEASAT Scholarship
61.AMCHAM-MACEE 2010 Scholarship
62.Intel Penang Design Center Scholarship
64.Rohas-Euco Educational Fund
65.Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Fund Scholarships
66.Lions Club of Subang Jaya - FC Yap Scholarship
67.Shell Scholarship 2010
69.MACEE Opportunity Grants Award
70.Top Glove Scholarship Fund
71.Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship
72.The Star Education Fund Scholarship Awards 2010
73.Honda Dreams Fund 2010
75.Sin Chew Daily Education Fund 2010
76.GIC Global Scholarship
77.ECM Libra Foundation Scholarship and Study Loan
Thats all for now. happy hunting
1.PIDM Undergraduate Scholarship Programme
2.Yayasan Tan Sri Lee Shin Cheng
3.HSBC Scholarship Award 2010
4.CIMB Regional Scholarship
5.Maxis Scholarship For Excellence Award
6.OCBC Bank Local Undergraduate Scholarship 2010
7.Tanjong Scholarship Award
8.Tun Hussein Onn Memorial Scholarship
9.HSBC Classics Bursary(Scholarship for classical music study)
10.Putrajaya Perdana Berhad Scholarship
11.Powertek Berhad Scholarship
12.Ng Bee Chai Foundation Scholarship
13.The Yayasan Wah Seong Scholarship Awards
14.L'ORÉAL Malaysia for Women in Science Fellowships 2010
15.Japanese Government Scholarship with ASCOJA Recommendation
16.GAB Foundation Scholarship 2010
17.Samling Scholarship and Bursary Programme
18.Fajarbaru Builder Group Scholarship Award
19.Malaysia Airports Education Sponsorship Program (ESP)
20.Yayasan PROTON Scholarship Award FY2010/2011
21.The New Straits Times Scholarship Fund
22.Majlis Agama Islam Wilayah Persekutuan (MAIWP) Scholarship
23.MPOB Education Foundation Scholarship
24.EPF Scholarship Programme 2010 - Scholarships for Exceptional Talent & Academic Performance
25.X-FAB “Journey to Semiconductor” Scholarship Program
26.IGB Scholarship Awards 2010 In collaboration with Dato' Tan Chin Nam Foundation
27.Nottingham Malaysia - Psychology High Achievers Scholarship 2010
28.Roasters Scholarship Programme 2010
29.Astro Scholarship 2010
30.1 Malaysia Scholarship
31.Chemical Company of Malaysia (CCM) Scholarships
32.Gamuda Scholarship Award 2010
33.Great Eastern Supremacy Scholarship Award (Local)
34.Kuala Lumpur Kepong Berhad (KLK) Scholarships
35.Akademi Laut Malaysia – Cadet Sponsorship Programme
36.BCA-Industry Built Environment Scholarship
37.Lion-Parkson Foundation Scholarship and Education Loan
38.Permodalan Nasional Berhad (PNB) Overseas Scholarship 2010
39.TM Foundation Scholarship 2010
40.Sime Darby Foundation Education Sponsorship Programme (Pre-University Scholarship)
41.UEM Group Scholarship
42.Securities Commission Malaysia Scholarship Award
43.Hong Leong Foundation Scholarship Programme 2010
44.Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Scholarship for Further Study at Overseas Universities
45.Yayasan Tenaga Nasional Scholarship for UNITEN
46.IJM Scholarship Awards 2010
47.Bank Negara Malaysia Scholarship Award 2010 / 2011 Academic Session
48.Khazanah Global Scholarship Programme
49.Khazanah Watan Scholarship Programme
50.ASEAN Scholarships for Malaysia: Pre-University One Scholarships
51.Kuok Foundation Undergraduate Awards 2010 (Malaysian & Singapore Public Universities)
53.Taiwan Scholarship 2010
54.MBAM Education Fund Awards 2010
55.Tun Suffian Foundation Scholarships
57.Panasonic Scholarship
58.Tun Dr. Mahathir UPM-ELS Scholarship
59.2009-2010 GE Foundation Scholar-Leaders Program
60.MEASAT Scholarship
61.AMCHAM-MACEE 2010 Scholarship
62.Intel Penang Design Center Scholarship
64.Rohas-Euco Educational Fund
65.Queen Elizabeth II Jubilee Fund Scholarships
66.Lions Club of Subang Jaya - FC Yap Scholarship
67.Shell Scholarship 2010
69.MACEE Opportunity Grants Award
70.Top Glove Scholarship Fund
71.Tunku Abdul Rahman Scholarship
72.The Star Education Fund Scholarship Awards 2010
73.Honda Dreams Fund 2010
75.Sin Chew Daily Education Fund 2010
76.GIC Global Scholarship
77.ECM Libra Foundation Scholarship and Study Loan
Thats all for now. happy hunting
Monday, May 24, 2010
Viva la Holiday
It has been almost a long while that i have not written anything here, as if im so not in mood or in other words have given up to write. But suddenly today, i want to start it all over again.
I ve been in a mood of sleep for quite a moment. It has been quite a period of 2 weeks and a half of holiday, and there is one month boredom yet to go.
I ve got the call from securities commission, notifying that i have been offered their scholarship,and i am now waiting a mail from them. By the way, our 1st semester result will be out soon, predicted to be out this week. As the time goes on, it brings us closer to the moment of truth, 1st sem a big boom, or 1st sem a big depression. Since i have not yet accepted the offer for the SC scholarship award, another invitation to an assessment interview from Yayasan Sime Darby, came to my desktop. But i am pretty sure, that i'm not attending this round table discussion.
So what i have been doing so far is that, i watched dozens of movies every night, go on for a drive every morning, jog in each of my evening, and i did also read a book entitle 3 cups of tea,now at chapter 8. Today, i once again resume blogging.
Then the holiday got interesting, when i got a msg from an old friend, Aminurashdan, an invitation to visit our beloved school, on the day the celebration of teacher's day was held. I was fetched by Shazni Shawal in his small red Kancil. So then after that we have a long reunion chat, and strolled around the school compound refreshing the memories that we have had together.
2 days later, friends visited me, and then, the next day we went out to visit a few of our beloved teachers. Its very nice to make such a visit with zubair, hanan and farisham.
Then that's it for now. I bet it is not yet too late to wish everyone a happy holiday. =)bye
I ve been in a mood of sleep for quite a moment. It has been quite a period of 2 weeks and a half of holiday, and there is one month boredom yet to go.
I ve got the call from securities commission, notifying that i have been offered their scholarship,and i am now waiting a mail from them. By the way, our 1st semester result will be out soon, predicted to be out this week. As the time goes on, it brings us closer to the moment of truth, 1st sem a big boom, or 1st sem a big depression. Since i have not yet accepted the offer for the SC scholarship award, another invitation to an assessment interview from Yayasan Sime Darby, came to my desktop. But i am pretty sure, that i'm not attending this round table discussion.
So what i have been doing so far is that, i watched dozens of movies every night, go on for a drive every morning, jog in each of my evening, and i did also read a book entitle 3 cups of tea,now at chapter 8. Today, i once again resume blogging.
Then the holiday got interesting, when i got a msg from an old friend, Aminurashdan, an invitation to visit our beloved school, on the day the celebration of teacher's day was held. I was fetched by Shazni Shawal in his small red Kancil. So then after that we have a long reunion chat, and strolled around the school compound refreshing the memories that we have had together.
2 days later, friends visited me, and then, the next day we went out to visit a few of our beloved teachers. Its very nice to make such a visit with zubair, hanan and farisham.
Then that's it for now. I bet it is not yet too late to wish everyone a happy holiday. =)bye
Monday, February 22, 2010
No Wine and Cheese Party
Hey everyone, the law society of UiTM will be organizing a party on the 24th of February, to award those who made it to the dean list in the previous semesters. The event will be held at Dewan Sri Budiman. All are invited. The theme is rock star. Im not sure how to dress like a rock star, but in a proper descent manner. By the way free food are provided. Logistics provided. And please do come make yourself around, enjoy the band which are going to perform, and do take part in games( guitar hero for example). As for us who are the new adhoc members, and who are also the party committee,we will be working very hard. Yesterday we had an art day. We sat in a classroom, and enjoyed ourselves making decorations and stuff. So see you there.
Monday, February 15, 2010
Hi! Previously i use to have a blog, but since it was wordpress , so it is not favored much by my friends. By the way, i wrote crap and most of it are meaningless. The previous blog was not serious. But this version, is far more serious. I'll be giving you scenarios, views and voices among the important legal people in my faculty. I'll also point our my views on it. And I'll also update on events which are happening at the law faculty of UiTM. Welcome to Entrance and Exit
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