The so called rally to uphold democracy is set to be held on the 9th of July. Yet without approval of the police and of certain NGO's, the president of Bersih 2.0 Ambiga is determined to continue the so claimed "for a clean election gathering". Their demands were on 8 issues altogether.
Utusan, TV3 ,TV1 is recently airing and portraying a view that people is against this rally,to convince people that this rally is no longer relevant, and to also show to everyone its illegal.But yet they forgot that this rally is being supported by a number of university students. This is clearly proven via the famous social network of facebook. Most of the law students,I know is supporting it. They even put a bersih logo beside their profile picture, as a sign that they supporting the Bersih campaign.
Students should also be aware that, if they are caught joining such activity as this one, they could be expelled from their respective universities and colleges. Maybe i would opined that, its not yet the time to be messing around with such event. As we all know, university students are subjected to the University and Colleges Act, while Uitm students are subjected to the so called special Act 174. So its up to you to decide. A friend told me, maybe you can join the rally just to "know how it goes".
Ambiga in itself also should realize that to held such assembly would require her to get a permit from the police. She should know that it is illegal to do so without a permit, as she is a lawyer. I believed she did know that. The thing is that she knew the police would not approve it. But the stupidest thing that they have done is to refuse for the assembly to be done at a stadium. I could understand that maybe perhaps with an open walking rally they would have much more attention , and can be more easily be heard, but such act could freeze and disrupt our economic activities.
I believe to do such reform,there are better ways to do it. Furthermore, I agree that the media and the press is being dominated by the ruling government. But yet, today politically the opposition has their own newspapers. Since Utusan supports the ruling party, and not giving any space to the opposition to raise their views, it is also the same to newspapers such as Harakah and Malaysiakini. In addition they have several alternatives to begin with, which i believed they have been smart to utilize it. The said alternative are blogs and the facebook.
But perhaps, their intention is noble, which is to upheld a clean election. I believe the election is pretty clean. The only thing which is dirty is the way the government handles the nation's revenue and a certain policy.
I would also suggest that to improve our election, we need to make it compulsory for everyone to vote. And also that there is an automatic registration.