Thursday, July 29, 2010

Let the nation's butterfly take off

I'll be seeing more of my friends to take off soon. Yesterday i witnessed a friend of mine, depart from our beloved country, as a JPA scholar. Soon more are going abroad. Definitely i'll be there to witness that historical moment. My friends and I were planning to have a trip to Manchester one day, but that is after Kua and Syawal is already in the United Kingdom. To be specific this plan was made by Fazul and Kamal. We are planning to save a couple of Ringgit for the 2 way tickets.By the way, tears from the heart might go down soon, in seeing them depart. But never mine. While they embark their respective journeys, me myself embark an experience of my own. Recently my car experience a broke down, have moved to our new home, and i've also been awarded as an SC scholar. It worries me a lot, as they put high hopes and expectation. It requires me to maintain high grades and also to be active in societies and activities. So, i was thinking this semester to join the mooting competition, so that i could embark my own new journey, but im scared that it would effect my schedule. But i need to do so. Hopefully it sharpens more of my legal skills. A new thing to learn. Someone use to say to me, be in the best in what you do. =)